A Mavs Fan Tried To Dunk Over Dirk Nowitzki And It's Safe To Say Things Didn't Go Great

If you are going to try to dunk over a 7 footer, you better be 100% positive you can clear him or else you will end up looking like a fool. It's always lame as hell when someone has to duck because the dunker can't truly clear their head, and a big reason why that dunk no longer plays whenever we see it during the All Star break. But not even clearing when they duck? Take away his dunking rights forever.

I mean you see the video, poor Chris wasn't even close! The MC wasted no time burying that man for his disastrous attempt, and who could blame him? Not only was he nowhere close to pulling off this dunk, he almost took out a Mavs legend in the process! If that doesn't sum up these Finals for the Mavs so far, what does? Great in theory, terrible in execution. 

I'm sad the video cut off so quickly because I need to see what happens immediately after that failed attempt. You know Dirk was probably a great sport about it, but in his head he has to be RAGING. This man can barely walk, he's talked for years about how tough things are on his body after playing so I imagine something like this is the last thing he's looking to experience. I give him credit for even agreeing to it in the first place and letting some random try and dunk over him, and if anything it makes Dirk even more loveable. Already one of the greatest players the NBA has ever seen

Dirk truly is a man of the people. If you're that dunker though, there has to be a better way to involve Dirk in a dunk where you know you can pull it off while also not potentially injuring the greatest Mav to ever live. On one hand, I respect the level of delusion it takes to think you can jump over a 7fter, but on the other hand, you're now public enemy #1 for an entire fanbase. Is it really worth it? Maybe you thought you'd go super viral or something, only now you're going viral for all the wrong reasons.

That's tough.

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